I conducted user testing research to answer

How do business owners identify which invoice matches with their check deposit.

How do business owners understand categorizing and bookkeeping check deposits.

If users transactions are reconciled they will have the best experience in Wave and we can deliver on the company initiative as being the single source of truth.

To do this I needed to understand business owners relationship with accounting and bookkeeping when it came to check deposits.



I conducted 3 rounds of user testing to answer questions around business owners understanding of accounting and check deposit and answered the following research questions:

How do business owners identify which invoice matches with their check deposit?

Customer name and amount.

Invoice number is seldom used. Highly dependent on the type of business.

Memo field is used sometimes. Used to capture invoice details.

How do business owners understand categorizing and bookkeeping check deposits?

Almost every check business owners receive has an invoice.

When asked how to bookkeep a check deposit without an invoice, business owners more often than not did not know.

Bonus data

As I conducted moderated user testing business owners mentioned two notable things:

  1. This feature to match an invoice with a check for bookkeeping was met with excitement.
  2. Our check deposit hold time was a pain point.

Luckily releasing a partial amount of a check deposit was a roadmap item. I conducted a Kano Analysis to see what users cared about most from the next 3 opportunities we had planned. The results were: