After migration was shipped to users, the Wave Community forums was a valuable source of user feedback. I engaged with our users here on a daily basis to get a pulse on how our new bank connections were performing and any pain points users were facing.



The community forums were a great way to engage with users and understand how they are experiencing this new product launch. We got insights to many of their pain points and now we wanted to have a methodical approach to solving their problems.

Research plan

After interacting with the community, we wanted to get a better understanding of their experience so we put together a research document to gather qualitative data.

We conducted research in order to:



Digging deeper

If you’re not familiar, Fullstory is a tool that allows you to view your product, exactly as users are experiencing it, click for click, complete with delays.

Observing Fullstory I observed a very unusual pattern of users deleting their bank connections, then immediately reconnecting them. Amplitude analytics verified this information.

From observing Fullstory, I identified specific users that seemed to have have difficulty with migration and their bank connection. I collaborated with the Product Manager and data team to reach out directly to these users and book interviews in an attempt to get qualitative insights to this behaviour.



After user interviews, we ran a survey to gather qualitative data on our insights, specifically on why users were deleting and reconnecting their bank connections.

The user interviews varied in their experiences and use cases. There was no clear theme we could gather to make a confident decision however the survey gave us a good lead on a common pain point.