When a business owner goes to connect their bank, the flow is as follows:

  1. Select bank
  2. View and accept primer
  3. Enter bank credentials which may include 2-factor authentication
  4. Select accounts

This flow allows a user to connect their bank in a familiar and smooth manner.

1. Select bank

We display the most common banks right away for recognizability, and quick, easy access. There is a clearly identifiable search input if they don’t recognize their bank from the displayed ones.


When clicking into the search input, we immediately show the next most popular banks in an attempt to know what the user is thinking. As they say “Don’t make me think, don’t make me do”.

connect bank search suggestions.gif

2. View and accept primer

When a user selects the bank they want to connect, we display a primer before asking for the user to enter their credentials.

Testing showed this primer was effective in preparing the user for what’s to come, and calm any concerns they have about privacy and security.


3. Enter bank credentials